Women’s Health: How you Take Care of Your Breast During and After Pregnancy

The most fragile part of your body, your breast, requires utmost attention before, during, and after pregnancy. When you are expecting a baby, you have to take good care of your breast and prevent any complications that may affect your breastfeeding.

If you want to go for breast augmentation to increase cup size, you also need to take care of your breast before the surgery. Below are some five ways to take care of your breast during and after pregnancy.

1. Wear a comfortable bra 

When it comes to choosing a good bra, you have to be keen to ensure a preserved breast. During the first few months of pregnancy, your chest will increase in size, which means you will likely drop your usual bra. 

If you want to maintain style and comfort, you can go for breathable bras. Avoid tight bras because they make you uncomfortable. You can opt for adjustable bras that anticipate variations in your breast size.

2. Take a cold shower 

Hormonal fluctuations in the body weaken the breast tissues and make them a bit saggy. You can strengthen your breast by taking a cold shower. 

If you must have a warm or hot shower, you can finish up with some cold water. Sprinkle cold water on your chest in a circular motion to cool your breast after the hot shower. Freezing your breast with cold water helps to maintain your breast shape during pregnancy.

3. Keep your skin hydrated 

Pregnant women are the most affected with stretch marks. Most stretch marks appear on your belly and chest. You can reduce the stretch marks on your breast by keeping hydrated always. 

Drink enough water in the morning and before retiring to bed. Also, you should choose the best cream and oil that is suitable for your skin type. Suitable skincare products should nourish and moisturize your skin to prevent stretch marks and keep your skin glowing and moist.

4. Practice the right breastfeeding 

Most women shy away from breastfeeding their babies because they feel it can damage their breasts. The truth is that with best breastfeeding practices, you reduce chest pain and sagging breasts. Always ensure your baby’s mouth covers the breast areola when breastfeeding.  

Once you are done breastfeeding, you should wipe your breast with soft cotton or apply some cream to prevent drying.

You can get some advice from a professional on how to breastfeed your baby and reduce the risk of breast-related complications.

5. Don’t stop exercising 

As soon as you get your baby, you should not stop working out. Find some simple and less strenuous workout to keep your body fit. You can take a long walk, swim, or do some yoga. 

Doing these simple workouts can maintain your shape, tone, and reduce chest pain. This helps to boost your breast health and reduce any complications that may come your way.

Final Thoughts 

Taking good care of your breast can involve a lot. You want to ensure you stick to a balanced diet, do some low-intensity exercise, massage your breast, and seek help from a professional if you must. With these five tips, you can always reduce your risk of breast complications.

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