7 Creative Instagram Story Ideas To Drive More Followers

A social networking platform, which boasts a staggering 1 billion active monthly users currently, can come to your major rescue if you want to reach out to your target audiences effortlessly. Instagram is now considered to be one of the most productive business marketing platforms owing to its enormous popularity worldwide.  

More than 25 million business accounts exist on Instagram. What about you? Are you there or not yet? Businesses, regardless of the size and scale, can promote products and services strategically and creatively on Instagram, increase brand visibility, entice prospects and boost sales generation in a quick time.

Instagram’s latest feature – Instagram Story, allows users to share every fascinating and delightful moment of a day. To boost brand awareness and drive more followers, a significant number of business organizations use Instagram Story. Several business organizations also buy Instagram followers to increase engagements on the photos and videos you save as stories. 

Now, if you want to evoke interest in everyone’s mind that comes across your Instagram stories, you have to employ your creative skills effectively. Read on the following to know about the creative Instagram story ideas that can engage more followers.

Use Location Tags

To boost engagement on posted photo and video stories, you need to make use of the location tags combined with relevant hashtags. Your stories will appear in front of more active users when you use such essential tags. Using location markers will earn you more views and eventually, more followers on Instagram.

Use ‘Swipe Up’ Feature

The Instagram story enables every business to put up a link to the latest article on its website and drive target audiences directly to the post by utilizing the ‘Swipe Up’ feature. It is one of the creative ways to increase visitors’ engagement on your business website and generate potential leads.

Promote Products & Services

Before the final launch, nowadays, most businesses put up a glimpse or teaser of their products and services on Instagram by using the Instagram story. You can begin the initial promotion strategically by putting up photos and short videos as Instagram stories. You will get quick responses from your brand’s followers if you make use of this worthwhile idea.

Utilize Shoppable Story Stickers

Apart from a marketing platform, businesses use Instagram as a sales channel, too, owing to the presence of shoppable story stickers. You can sell your business products to interested followers directly on Instagram stories without even compelling them to visit your website.

Promote Latest IG Post

If you do not post regularly on Instagram, increasing engagements and driving followers become a challenge. However, you can stay in the limelight if you promote your images and videos leveraging Instagram stories. It is one of the result-driven ideas to redirect your target audiences to your business profile even when you aren’t posting content daily.

The creative Instagram story ideas mentioned above are only a few of the many that can come to your major rescue in promoting your products and services, boosting quality engagement, generating leads and sales. If you are all geared up to make your brand more visible on Instagram, without delaying any further, start leveraging Instagram stories in a creative and productive way.

The post 7 Creative Instagram Story Ideas To Drive More Followers appeared first on Knnit.

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