6 Tips for Healthy Eating

Starting healthy meal plans does not mean planning rigid, inflexible, bland and boring meals. It’s not about underfeeding yourself to the point of starvation or staying awkwardly thin. Quite the opposite, it’s about feeling fabulous, having the strength that lasts all day long, sleeping peacefully throughout the night, and being as sound as you can be. It’s about decreasing your risk of the diseases erroneously considered to be part of the ageing process. This can all be achieved effortlessly by shifting gradually to a simple, healthy eating menu.

Here are six Eating Tips for you

1) Don’t Change your diet plan in a jiffy

Start your evolution to healthy meal plans in a slow, gradual process. If you invest in making the changes in small, gentle steps, you’ll be eating healthy before you understand it.

Rather than being bothered with counting calories or weighing portions, think of changing your diet in terms of freshness, colour and quality. Find recipes that cover fresh vegetables and fruits. Little by little, your food will become more delicious and healthier. Mit, an author who is a colleague of mine, and Arushi, the Co-Founder, write some delightful recipes on this site. 

Remember, make this transition gradual and not instantly. Start by inculcating a green salad to one meal every day for a few days. Then, maybe add fresh fruit as dessert. Make the transformation gradual.

Every move you make to your diet matters. You don’t have to be precise or immediately eliminate foods you like. Your long-term goal is to feel great, have power and decrease your chances of diabetes, cancer, or heart disease. 

Think of water and working out as essential parts of your new transformation.

Your body needs clean water, not so-called fruit juice (unless it’s fresh) and particularly not coffee. Many individuals go through life dehydrated because they drink very small amounts of water or coffee almost solely. Your digestive system needs a lot of H2O to work effectively, as do all organs. These so-called fruit juices are full of lactose, sugar, preservatives and artificial flavors, that your organs can’t digest – so it stores them as a bad fat. Coffee is nothing more than an addictive drug that sucks in all the water in your body. Coffee is like that toxic ex you (I?) want to go back to. Coffee is the worst drug habit worldwide.

Also, the human body was built to move, not the inactive lifestyle most individuals live today. Choose an activity you like and make it a part of your daily habit. 

2) Where and How You Eat

It’s not what you are eating; it’s how you hog. Sit down, breathe, and think about your meal as something that nurtures you, not something to be gulped down while you’re hurrying from here to there. And, don’t skip breakfast. Get out of bed every day, do some moderate exercise to increase your heart rate, open up your lungs, and consume a light, fresh breakfast. Your body wants to exercise, and it wants breakfast. It’s gone without food for many hours, so your organs need nourishment to wake up and start performing.

3) The Secret is Balance

The key to changing to a healthy diet is balance. Your body always needs a blend of protein, carbohydrates, fat, vitamins, fiber, and minerals. Take everything in moderation. 

4) Color Is The Secret

Vegetables and fruits are the undisclosed ingredients in a healthy diet. They are packed with minerals, antioxidants, fiber, and vitamins. Do you say you don’t like vegetables? Work fresh herbs into your diet one by one. You will soon get a taste for vegetables because your body needs and will slowly crave them.

Sweet vegetables help decrease your craving for sweets. Carrots, corn, carrots, sweet potatoes, beets or yams, onions, and winter squash, are all sweet vegetables. A wide blend of fruit is important to a healthy diet. Apples supply fiber, berries fight cancer, and citrus fruits are chock-full of vitamin C.

5) Eat Wholesome Carbohydrates (Don’t call it Carb please)

When most individuals think of carbohydrates, they include loaves of bread, pastas, potatoes, and rice. It’s true; these are carbohydrates. However, these are starchy, unhealthy carbohydrates. They break down to glucose super duper quick, making your insulin and blood sugar levels very erratic. Vegetables, fruits, and whole wheat grains are sources of healthy carbs. Guys, I said whole wheat grains, not whole wheat bread. Stop imagining. 

6) Healthy vs. Unhealthy (Fats)

Fats are a crucial part of your diet. However, there are healthy and unhealthy fats. You need healthy fat to sustain your heart, brain, skin, hair, and nails. Omega-3 and Omega-6 fats in herring, salmon, mackerel, and sardines are essential to your diet. Fats you need to start reducing from your food are saturated fats and trans fats.

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