You can start your New Year’s reboot with these simple steps from fitness expert JOANNA HALL

We all know that prolonged sitting is extremely bad for our health. But as research has shown, small bursts of regular movements peppered throughout the day are much more beneficial to our bodies – and our brains – than a single high-intensity workout tackled after eight hours of inactivity.

As a trainer and sports scientist with over 30 years of experience helping people improve their fitness, health and mental wellbeing, my philosophy has always been that a little bit can go a really long way. And it is this philosophy that is at the heart of the 30-day training plan I came up with for the Mail’s Big Health Kick.

My program combines a carefully calculated series of gentle, yet effective, posture-promoting mobility, stretching and extension exercises to build your strength and fitness while reducing stress. The idea is to combine these with regular walks – short or long – to build a regular pattern where exercise becomes a natural part of your day.

As a trainer and sports scientist with over 30 years of experience helping people improve their fitness, health and mental wellbeing, my philosophy has always been that a little bit can go a really long way

As a trainer and sports scientist with over 30 years of experience helping people improve their fitness, health and mental wellbeing, my philosophy has always been that a little bit can go a really long way

The Covid pandemic has caused such unprecedented levels of anxiety for the past 12 months that it doesn’t make sense to hammer your central nervous system and increase levels of the stress hormone cortisol with high-intensity exercise regimens.

And it’s great to know that short periods of movement are enough to boost blood circulation to the brain and reduce anxiety. Each set is designed to nurture body kindness and positivity, so as you work through the plan you’ll develop great habits, build your strength and flexibility, and you’ll find yourself looking, feeling, and performing better.

Regardless of your fitness level or age, whether you’re sporty or not, getting better will make you feel better – and my plan will show you how.

Join free every day on for exercise sessions designed to mobilize your spine and strengthen your core muscles. With so many of us working from home, later in the week I’ll show you a clever sequence to ease ‘desk stress’, and over the weekend my video will focus on tips to help you improve your mental well-being while doing sports.

In addition to these training videos, I will encourage you to run regularly and explain my science-backed methods of transforming your running technique to make it super effective.

Exercise is good for your brain health – it has been shown to improve memory, improve mood, and even reduce your risk of depression. And these benefits can be increased if you exercise outdoors – preferably somewhere green.

A change of scenery, sunshine (if you’re lucky), and the ability to breathe fresh air all contribute to that brain teaser effect.

As the creator and founder of WalkActive, I know I’m biased, but I love the research showing that ‘bi-pedal movement’ (with your feet) is the most effective way to boost circulation to the brain.

There’s no need to wander for hours, either – just five minutes of walking outside is enough to lift your mood, lift your mood and lower cortisol levels.

Exercise is great for your brain health - it has been shown to improve memory, improve mood, and even reduce your risk of depression

Exercise is great for your brain health - it has been shown to improve memory, improve mood, and even reduce your risk of depression

Exercise is good for your brain health – it has been shown to improve memory, improve mood, and even reduce your risk of depression

Instead of saying, ‘I’m too busy, I don’t have time to exercise today,’ go outside for five minutes and you’ll find yourself more productive when you come back.

While standing at the door, take five deep breaths, pause, then hit the road. You only have to walk in one direction for five minutes, turn around and go back – those deep breaths are enough to change your mindset, bring oxygen to the brain, and give the mental space for ideas to develop.

It is very important to have such movement intervals throughout the day. I urge you to split your day into three or four hour ‘zones’ (e.g. 7:00 am to 10:00 am, 10:00 am to 1:00 pm, 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm, 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm) and then challenge yourself to do some form of physical movement – no matter how small – in each zone. Maybe one of my videos, or a short five or ten minute walk.

To make it easier for you, you have set up routes around your home – a five-minute, ten-minute, 15-minute, and 20-minute walk, so you can look up the benefits even if you don’t think you have a lot of time to spare.

You can intensify the mind-blowing benefits of any walk by incorporating ‘breath work’. Try this technique: When you go out, spend a few minutes at a comfortable stride and rhythm (this exercise is easier when walking on a flat surface).

Inhale very gently for four steps and then exhale slowly over four steps.

Once this gets comfortable, try stretching your exhalation to five or even six steps. Maintain this pattern of breathing for five minutes, or longer if you can, and feel your whole body relaxed.


Strong abs are the foundation of good posture and protect you from injuries and joint problems.

Crunches and sit-ups, however, strain the neck. Instead, I’ve come up with a simple and effective ‘all-in-one’ exercise that targets all four abs that make up our core area.

Try to spend five minutes on it every day, maybe while the kettle is boiling.

  • Start standing upright, with your weight evenly distributed on both feet.
  • Connect the fingers of both hands in front of you at the level of your navel, slightly away from the body.
  • Trace a letter J in front of you with your hands, first bringing them to your pubic bone in a bowl shape, pulling your lower abs back and in as your hands come towards you.
  • As you bring your hands up to your sternum to form the long part of the letter J, pull the abs in and up.
  • Hold this contraction for ten seconds.
  • Lower the hands and repeat.
  • Do not take a deep breath or hold your breath. Keep your shoulders down and don’t let the rib cage expand or your buttocks contract.

Try to repeat this sequence several times, five times in a ten-count wait; five to two; and ten quickly.


The post You can start your New Year’s reboot with these simple steps from fitness expert JOANNA HALL appeared first on WhatsNew2Day.

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